07 März 2024 TCD Clinical Indications
TCD provides noninvasive monitoring in diverse clinical situations, offering real-time physiological data without increasing patient risks or costs. ...
TCD provides noninvasive monitoring in diverse clinical situations, offering real-time physiological data without increasing patient risks or costs. ...
If the coronavirus causes vascular inflammation (vasculitis), the inflammatory reaction leads to vascular narrowing with relevant cerebral blood flow velocities (CBFV) changes. An intracranial routine examination can assist in diagnosis of vasculitis by following proximal cerebral vascular abnormalities. ...
Transcranial Doppler Sonography (TCD) and Transcranial Color Duplex Sonography (TCCD) are complementary diagnostic methods. The diagnosis of stenoses can be made with conventional TCD with the help of higher sensitivity in the velocity measurement....
The authors in this study point out the portability and flexibility of TCD as predestined for bed-side applications and thus meeting the concept of POCUS. Moreover, the authors also highlight the fact that TCD may be more useful in daily practice for identification of a...
During surgical procedures, monitoring of CBF can be used to identify changes in blood flow that may indicate inadequate cerebral perfusion or ischemia. This information can help the surgical team make real-time adjustments to optimize cerebral perfusion and minimize the risk of cerebral damage....